Demo launch!

Hi, I'm Mero, the author of A Hundred Years of Sleep, which launched a few days ago! (confetti)
Being in public (online counts!) always feels nerve wracking, but I really wanted to take some time to thank all of you who've played AHYS so far, I'm humbled by your support, truly.

This project is something I'm keeping very close to my heart, and I'd love nothing more than for it to reach yours as well, even just for a moment.

As it stands the current demo contains the Prologue and the first half of Chapter One, with the remaining half already available on my Patreon. In there you'll finally start off your journey! As well as meeting all the ROs, just saying that in case you might want check it out,  hehe. I don't know why but so far everyone seems to be in love with Khael lol (I do, in fact, know why).

That said, the game will be released episodically, so with a bit of waiting you'll be meeting the main cast here as well, although I'll share the proper date when we get closer to it. I've also been working with an artist to release some character's portraits, so please do keep an eye out for that!

Once again, thank you again so, so much for your support, whether you've played the game, liked its post on my Tumblr, rated it, told your friends about it, seriously, thank you, I cannot say it enough.

Have a wonderful night, and I'll see you soon.

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